Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Frozen Tundra

I know it has been a long stretch since my last post, however it has been a bit busy 'round here. For starters, I was on the road week before last in lovely Joplin, MO...which I believe is Creek Indian for "village of few suitable restaurants." After that overnight excursion was over, I returned home to spend a couple of really nice days with my family (okay, I won't lie...I slept most of the time).

Then it happened. At approx 1:30 am last Monday the power flickered, then flickered again, then it went out. The freezing rain and sleet that had been falling since Saturday night had taken its toll on the power lines and trees. The alarm of Kaedra's oxygen concentrator brought us downstairs with flash lights and candles to light they way. We hooked Kaedy Bug up to a small O2 tank and listened to the tree limbs fall. The sky was dark, only being lit up by transformer boxes on power poles exploding, which by the way emits a beautiful color. I stayed awake until about 5:30, then slept until about 7.

I called my boss, who was very understanding that we had to find a place to take Kaedra that had power and heat. Since the cell phone towers were frozen, there was little to no coverage making it next to impossible to make calls. So, got packed, loaded up both cars and headed out to get a hotel, or so we thought. Not a hotel to be found. So then, we called my mom who had power, but now had lost it. So, I sent Kahri and the kids that way, and I went ISO a generator. Not a generator to be found, or so we thought.

I called my friend Curtis to see if his friend still owned an equipment rental store, so I might be able to find a generator. Curtis called me back to say he had a generator that we could borrow. What a blessing my friend is to us!!! We picked it up and headed for my moms house. Just a few minutes later we had heat, lights, and Kaedra's equipment all hooked up and running. We (and some of our nursing staff) lived at my moms house for several days, until our power was restored.

Our house was damaged from falling limbs, and we lost all the food in the fridge garage freezer, but we all survived the Frozen Tundra of Coweta.

More to come soon,
Jester Out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is your wife's friend, Kim (that talked to you at your work Tues.) again. I had no idea when we saw you at work that you had no power and/or no generator. Shouldn't you and your co-workers have been #1 on the list to get generators? It just doesn't seem right that you were helping to hand them out and you didn't have the option to get on. I am enjoying your new blog very much!