Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Back in the Saddle Again...

Hello one and all for the latest installment of the now not so Daily Take that Doesn't Suck. Let me just get a couple of things off my chest. To the lady that hit, scratched, and scraped my car today in the parking lot then just drove off...we are praying that you will do the right thing and call me tomorrow apologizing and giving me your insurance information. God always works and he is always on time and I am faithful to him. But just in case the lady that was driving decides not to listen to God, maybe she will be convinced to do the right thing when the Tulsa Police Department pay her a visit, hopefully tomorrow. This is the second time in the last 7 years that my car has been hit at work. I won't boar you with the details but an Isuzu Trooper (unoccupied with the parking brake not set and not in gear) rolled all the way across the parking lot at the 15th and Lewis Walgreens smashing into my Honda. It did almost $3000 in damage. I am sure this one will be close to that as well.

Enough of that noise. So, you gotta wonder how happy the people of New York are these days...not that I could imagine them being very happy to begin with for oh so many reasons. You got Elliot Spitzer paying for it. Just a side note, dude is not a pretty man. He looks like a scrawnier, jewish version of Carl Childers from Slingblade..."I got no reason to kill nobody, uhm hummm oye vay." I guess dude felt like he had to pay for it, but even as ugly as he is, I think he got ripped off a little bit. I mean come on...$4300, that's a starter car here in Oklahoma. There are 'necks out here that bought their first Firebird (probably a 1983-1986) for that money or less. You know you have a problem and way to much money when you are dropping $4000 plus for some lovin'. Come on dude, apply yourself. You have a pretty attractive wife, although I have no idea what she sees in you. But really, talk to her, romance her, and you will probably be able to have relations with her. And you won't be dropping thousands of dollars in the process. Just my opinion...come on Carl, give it a shot, you have nothing more to lose.

Just when you thought that was over, the new Gov admits his marital indiscretions while the seats were still warm from his swearing in ceremony. I mean, call me crazy but maybe you could have admitted this before you took the office. I am not sure if I hold this dude any less accountable than Spitzer. He didn't pay for it (that we are aware of) but he cheated on his wife several times with several different women. Dudes wife is very attractive and again, all he had to do was apply himself. Dude is blind, so maybe he has no idea how good he had it at home. How hard is it to find a stinkin politician that is not a freak in the sack???

So this week, Barack gave his "let me distance myself from my pastor that I have known and trusted for the last twenty years that is now making me look really bad" speech. It was a good speech but he didn't really didn't say much. It was the Washington version of the Wagoner County bait and switch. The speech was talked up and millions awaited it. It was very eloquent but had no substance to it. As Dan Rather said, "in Texas High School football terms, he is all drop back and no pass." I still think he will be our next president, but there may be more skeletons falling out of the closet.

More to come later...Jester out!!!

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