Saturday, September 6, 2008


What is up everyone? Right up front, I wanna give a big shout out to everyone that hit the Jester's blog and especially to those that took time to comment on my last take. It means a lot to me that you gave your opinion!

So the Republican Convention has come and gone. I have to say, I am stunned at naming Sarah Palin as the Veep but it was obviously a good move. This would be reason number 6,751 that the Politicos don't ask for my opinion, yet I give it none the less.

Before I get into Sarahville, I want to cover Fred Thompson. It seems that Fred is back. Where was my man during the primary process? He sure wasn't around for that! He was on fire the first night of the convention. He threw some good barbs at the Obama camp and talked up Palin. One of his great lines about her is that she is the only one out there could also field dress a moose as well as carry POTUS' briefcase (see me or Kahri for the explanation of the briefcase reference). If this Fred would have shown up a few months ago, we could have possibly seen a Thompson/Palin ticket that I would be proud to have supported.

Rudy Guiliani spoke. In my best Forrest Gump voice, "that's about all I gotta say about that." Please Rude...stick to the motivational circuit and stay far away from politics.

Then came Sarah. Okay...first impression here, she is a pretty attractive woman. Thank goodness she ditched the big 80's hair she was sporting back in the day when she was doing sports on a local Anchorage affiliate. What to say? Well, I agreed with her politically in virtually everything she said, but I don't agree with a couple of things in her personal life. That being said, a political view should outweigh the personal life. We will see if it does with the American voters.

She has a nice looking family, with the exception of Bristol's Babydaddy. I am sure the Sarahnator is especially proud of the tattoo he has on his left ring finger. It is the Babymomma name in cursive. I guess tattooing your Babymomma name on your arm, the rest of the voting public couldn't see it would have been too much to ask. Am I too old, or is a ring just too gauche? The rest of the fam is pretty cute though. How adorable was Piper during Sarah's speech? She was trying to pay attention most of the time, at least when she wasn't licking her fingers and trying to spittle-cement down her little brothers hair while he slept.

The speech was very much in your face. It was a straight on, up front attack on the Dem ticket. The Dems missed this opportunity completely last week, of course they did not have McCains running mate at the time, but a ball dropped none the less. Her speech writer is strong enough to play on the first team, and man did she deliver it well! Obama's chops were busted on him being a community activist, the "think much of yourself" giant Greek columns, and the clutching to guns and religion remark that will likely bite Obama in the butt. John McCain came out after the speech to bask in the afterglow of the speech.

I have waited as long as I can to discuss this, but I can wait no longer. I was unaware that Martha Washington had been cryogenically frozen, thawed out and brought to the Republican Convention. I was stunned to see her on camera so many times throughout the night. Oh wait...I have just been told by my wife, that is John McCain's mother. Wow, she is old. I am sure she is a lovely lady, don't misunderstand, but I have it on good authority that she may have possibly dated Methuselah. Again, I am sure she is just a wonderful great/great/great/great/great grandmother of 7,631 grandchildren, but I am relatively sure I heard that someone said she told them that Betsy Ross asked for her opinion on the color blue to use on the first flag. But again, she is a lovely woman.

This is exactly what the Republicans needed to energize their campaign. If they pull some more rabbits out of their hats, they can make this a much more interesting race. Can they pull it out?? We will see.

Thanks for the read, will post again after Kansas City. Jester OUT!!!