Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Good Luck...

Okay, I know I promised you political commentary and pop culture peppered with my bitter witty sarcasm, but I have to share what happened last night. My lovely wife and I went out to eat before tackling some last minute Christmas shopping. We had only been seated at Johnny Carinos for a few moments, when Kahri said of this woman a few tables away, "that girl is looking at me." I looked up from the menu to find she was looking in both our direction. It was odd, she looked familiar. But, most that know me know that I have a bit of a mental haze from about 15-30 years old.

It was becoming almost uneasy glancing up and seeing this woman watch us. Then she mouths the word "hi" at us. At this point, I jokingly say to Kahri that she is making a pass at one or both of us. As this mysterious woman gets up to leave, she walks over to our table, puts her hand on Kahri's shoulder and tells her "good luck with that" referring to me as she rolled her eyes.

At very few points in my life have I been speechless, however this was one of them. The synapses in my brain were firing a thousand comebacks per second, but my mouth could not make the words. All I could do was laugh. My darling wife took it, as I would expect her to, very well. She knows that I have been very happily and faithfully married to her for almost 9 years now.

So, Brandi (we know this because the person you were dining with yelled your name across the restaurant to let you know you had the car keys)if I or one of my old com padres wronged you in some way please first accept my apology, then secondly my invitation to get over it. We tend to walk much straighter and upright when we are not carrying an offense around with us, especially one from possibly 10+ years ago.

Well, hopefully you have mistaken me for someone else, but either way that caused a good laugh. On the upswing, we almost completed all of our shopping. Only one more small outing to have it 100% complete.

From the small world in which we live,
Jester Out!!!

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